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Automatic Pilot songs

Title (links to mp3s)LyricsAdvisory
Are You in Love? lyrics Explicit French language
Bitter Taste lyrics Depiction of violent crime
Bobbing for Apples original lyrics Extreme sexuality (recycled beer)
alternate lyrics Alcohol use
Clone Butt lyrics Anatomical references, substance use
Cross the River lyrics Death issues
Derelict in my Doorway lyrics Violence, mild profanity
Doughnut Shop Dream lyrics Rowdy behavior,
Don't You Agree  
Dream a Lot lyrics Torch song lyrics,
hallucinogen-drenched disco music
Escape in Seductionlyrics Explicit sexual language
Heavy Doglyrics Sexual suggestiveness
Hydrophobia (instrumental) 
Killer Purses lyrics Fantasy violence, anatomical reference
Oral Astrologylyrics Sexuality
Prelude lyrics Sexuality
Primal Beatlyrics Sensual imagery
Queenie was a Rockerlyrics Depiction of street life
Rimmin' at the Baths lyrics Extreme sexuality (rimming),
high gross-out value
Safe Livin' in Dangerous Times lyrics Mild profanity, death issues
Sausage with Lips  Anatomical double entendres
Say Mongooselyrics NONE! This song is for everybody.
Sit On My Face lyrics Sexuality (face sitting)
Smart Woman lyrics Mild suggestiveness
Vaccine Day lyrics Mild suggestiveness
Why Are You Asking? lyrics Sexuality, crude language


Coming: Nasty songs (AwdomaDik Toylet)

All songs music and lyrics copyright © 2002, Karl Brown and Matthew McQueen

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