Automatic Pilot lyrics
Are You In Love?
What if you could never have it?
What would you do?
Would you suffer?
Would you turn blue?
Would you throw a temper tantrum?
Would you come unglued?
Would you suffer?
Would you be rude?
Then the first rush comes!
Are you in love in love are you in love in love
Are you in love are you in love are you in love?
What if you could never get it?
Who would you fool?
By your pretense
Acting so cool?
Would you throw a temper tantrum?
Would you come unglued?
Would you suffer?
Would you be rude?
Then the first rush comes!
Are you in love in love are you in love in love
Are you in love are you in love are you in love?
Are you in love?
Viens ici toi
Viens plus près
Viens m'embrasser un peu
Ca fait bien plaisir
Viens plus près encore
Allonger ensemble
Tu sais bien le faire
Tout doucement
Tout tendrement
Viens ici toi
Viens allez viens
Let's go
Come here you
Come closer
Come and kiss me a bit
It is quite pleasurable
Come closer again
Lay down together
You know how to do it well
All sweetly
All tenderly
Let's go
Come here you
Come let's go come
Then the first rush comes!
What if you could never have it?
What if you could never have it?
Then the first rush comes!
Are you in love in love are you in love in love
Are you in love!
*French language text written and performed by Tom Gschwind, 1982
Transcription and English translation
by Jean Hould, 2004
Listen to Are You In Love (2:39)
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More info on this song
Copyright 1982, 2004 Karl Brown and Matthew McQueen