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Automatic Pilot service mark


Automatic Pilot service mark
AUTOMATIC PILOT® is a registered service mark of Brown and McQueen Music, United States Patent and Trademark Office Reg. No. 3,120,407 IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Entertainment namely, live performances by a musical band; Entertainment services, namely, providing a web site featuring musical performances, musical videos, related film clips, photographs, and other multimedia materials. FIRST USE: 19801123. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19830208 image of certificate

"AUTOMATIC PILOT" - words set in "computer" font with letters designed to resemble machine readable numerals, like those printed on checks, is a registered service mark of Brown and McQueen Music. State of California Secretery of State Reg. No. 060930 image of certificate

home recordings performances songs members history